Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have adopted a new goal: DE-JUNK MY LIFE! This process includes tangible and non-tangible things. I'm sorting through every aspect of ME from physical to emotional and am doing my best to eliminate the things that I have that no longer serve a purpose for me, should never have been kept in the first place, along with things that are keeping me from being happy.

I'm not sure if it's the change of season (I say this a few days before we're possibly getting snow) or just a realization of self but I have felt a great need to re-evaluate myself and my life. There has been so much drama in my life, some by my own lack of good reasoning and some from outside sources. (I can say that for the most part I have done a great job to avoid drama I create myself but have found that the latter has become an almost daily battle)

I have been aware of my increasing junk heap for some time but it was the passing of a family friend in recent months that really sparked questions in me: Is this how I want my life to be? Is this all I have to look forward to? Am I willing to change it? That's when I really started de-junking and simplifying my life. It will be a long process but I'm hoping that in that process I will become the happy, laid back, life living person I so want to be.

Part of de-junking is going through my emails and deleting the ones I've kept that I will never read again. While doing this I came across this picture of Porter. It always makes me smile.

By the way, if you're reading this blog then you have no need to worry, I wont be sending you to the recycle bin in my life.

1 comment:

  1. So True!! There are few things as liberating as eliminating clutter of all kinds from your life. Way to go!
